Alpine Meadow


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Recordist/Credit: Bernie Krause

A Biophony™ Album

The meadows to the east of and above Gray's Lake Wildlife Refuge in Idaho used to offer some surprising biophonies - Especially in the late spring. This particular dusk chorus was made while following the path of spring as it moved north 16 miles a day.

Birds: American robin, white-crowned sparrow, pine siskin, western tanager, mountain chickadee, common crow, hermit thrush, ruffed grouse (distant), saw-whet owl. 

©  2002 Wild Sanctuary.  All rights reserved.

This is a high-quality zipped album delivered in 192 kpbs MP3 format. This can be listened to on your home computer, burned to a CD, or carry it with you on your iPod or other MP3 player.
