
For the past 40 years years, Bernie Krause has traveled the world, collecting sounds from every habitat that he was able to reach. 

Here, in his own voice, Krause offers personal observations on the wonders of natural soundscapes, excerpts from journals written while in the field, and asides on the art and craft of bringing wild soundscapes to life in a surprising variety of ways.  In his collection of spoken word offerings, he shares entertaining and educational information about his adventures in the wilderness, his admiration and understanding of the creature world - in particular the chorus of sounds around us - and his experiences in exploring the sonorous wild.   

These titles, narrated by author/naturalist Krause, are enhanced with soundscapes from his own Audio Archive, may well inspire you to hear and value the creatures and habitats of the natural world in new ways - and to help conserve these precious voices of the wild  for generations to come.

Get the AUDIOBOOK version of Bernie Krause's new book, 'The Great Animal Orchestra: Finding the Origins of Music in the World's Wild Places', from your favorite on-line book sellers.
For an AUDIOBOOK FOR KIDS, with coloring pages (pdf.) and a music & songs Mp3 download, see 'Wild Times at the Waterhole' in the 'Holiday/Kids/Swag' section of The WildStore.
Unless otherwise noted within individual product descriptions, our audiobooks are electronically delivered as Mp3 digital downloads, not in CD or Vinyl format.